Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your answer. Sadly I'm not allowed to add this module to my
technologies by now.

2018-08-23 16:00 GMT+02:00 Andrew Otto <o...@wikimedia.org>:

> Hiya, this doesn’t help answer your question, but as an FYI, Wikimedia has
> implemented https://github.com/wikimedia/change-propagation to do what you
> are trying to do: issue HTTP requests (and other things) triggered by
> incoming messages in Kafka.
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 9:45 AM Andrea Spina <andrea.sp...@radicalbit.io>
> wrote:
> > Dear community,
> >
> > I'd figure out a kafka connect HTTP/REST sink connector X capable of
> > achieving PUT actions on an external web service A. I saw some side
> > projects already implementing something similar [1]. In addition to this
> > feature, I'd like to log to kafka the answers returning by A so that I
> can
> > use it later somewhere else.
> >
> > Since I can't find some examples on that (connectors logging to kafka as
> > "side effect"), my first question is if the former design is something
> > doable by Kafka Connect and if it well fits the architecture.
> >
> > I need this connector because I'm trying to keep it stateless (avoid
> > storing any state), because AFAIU Kafka Connect technology is not
> demanded
> > to keep states along its implementation. Theoretically, if I could store
> a
> > state within my kafka connector instance, it'd be way easier achieving my
> > task.
> >
> > So my last question is: is, the fact that connectors should be stateless,
> > actually true? And why shouldn't I store states through a connector? (I
> can
> > eventually open another thread on this if this one is overloaded).
> >
> > Any help is much appreciated. Thank you for your work.
> >
> >
> > [1] - https://github.com/llofberg/kafka-connect-rest
> > --
> > *Andrea Spina*
> > Software Engineer @ Radicalbit Srl
> > Via Borsieri 41, 20159, Milano - IT
> >

*Andrea Spina*
Software Engineer @ Radicalbit Srl
Via Borsieri 41, 20159, Milano - IT

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