Dear community, I'd figure out a kafka connect HTTP/REST sink connector X capable of achieving PUT actions on an external web service A. I saw some side projects already implementing something similar [1]. In addition to this feature, I'd like to log to kafka the answers returning by A so that I can use it later somewhere else.
Since I can't find some examples on that (connectors logging to kafka as "side effect"), my first question is if the former design is something doable by Kafka Connect and if it well fits the architecture. I need this connector because I'm trying to keep it stateless (avoid storing any state), because AFAIU Kafka Connect technology is not demanded to keep states along its implementation. Theoretically, if I could store a state within my kafka connector instance, it'd be way easier achieving my task. So my last question is: is, the fact that connectors should be stateless, actually true? And why shouldn't I store states through a connector? (I can eventually open another thread on this if this one is overloaded). Any help is much appreciated. Thank you for your work. [1] - -- *Andrea Spina* Software Engineer @ Radicalbit Srl Via Borsieri 41, 20159, Milano - IT