I think, at command line tool level, you need to use --add-config log.cleanup.policy=[compact,delete]
ie, you need to add square bracket to mark the config as a list. This is different to Java code for which you would use props.put("log.cleanup.policy", "compact,delete"); The config should be available at broker default as well as topic level configuration. Seems there is a glitch in the docs. Please file a minor PR or open a ticket so we can address this. Thx. -Matthias On 8/12/18 6:19 AM, Matt Farmer wrote: > We've run into some unexpected behavior around this as well, though I > forgot to send in a note when we found it so I'm fuzzy on the details at > the moment. I'll chime back in if I can dig up exactly what we were doing, > but I'd also welcome a ruling from someone with knowledge of the code. I > seem to recall we tried this for a repartition topic and it didn't do quite > what we expected. > > On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 3:02 AM Patrik Kleindl <pklei...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> Hello >> >> In a discussion yesterday the question came up if an internal changelog >> topic can be enabled for compaction and deletion. >> >> >> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50622369/kafka-streams-is-it-possible-to-have-compact-delete-policy-on-state-stores >> and >> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4015 >> say yes. >> >> https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/ >> says yes for log.cleanup.policy on broker level >> The default cleanup policy for segments beyond the retention window. A >> comma separated list of valid policies. Valid policies are: "delete" and >> "compact" >> but no for cleanup.policy on topic level >> A string that is either "delete" or "compact". >> >> My command line on 1.1 seems to agree with the last part: >> ./kafka-configs --zookeeper broker0:2181 --alter --entity-type topics >> --entity-name test --add-config log.cleanup.policy=compact,delete >> requirement failed: Invalid entity config: all configs to be added must be >> in the format "key=val". >> ./kafka-configs --zookeeper broker0:2181 --alter --entity-type topics >> --entity-name test --add-config cleanup.policy=compact,delete >> requirement failed: Invalid entity config: all configs to be added must be >> in the format "key=val". >> ./kafka-configs --zookeeper broker0:2181 --alter --entity-type topics >> --entity-name test --add-config cleanup.policy="compact,delete" >> requirement failed: Invalid entity config: all configs to be added must be >> in the format "key=val". >> ./kafka-configs --zookeeper broker0:2181 --alter --entity-type topics >> --entity-name test --add-config cleanup.policy='compact,delete' >> requirement failed: Invalid entity config: all configs to be added must be >> in the format "key=val". >> >> Is this missing for the client and/or the topic-level configuration >> options? >> >> Does anyone know if/how this is supposed to work? >> >> Side-note: Our use-case (KTable with cleanup after some time) should be >> covered with WindowKTables as far as I understand, but the documentation >> for the cleanup.policy seems inconsistent. >> >> best regards >> >> Patrik >> >
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