
In a discussion yesterday the question came up if an internal changelog
topic can be enabled for compaction and deletion.

say yes.

says yes for log.cleanup.policy on broker level
The default cleanup policy for segments beyond the retention window. A
comma separated list of valid policies. Valid policies are: "delete" and
but no for cleanup.policy on topic level
A string that is either "delete" or "compact".

My command line on 1.1 seems to agree with the last part:
./kafka-configs  --zookeeper broker0:2181 --alter --entity-type topics
--entity-name test --add-config log.cleanup.policy=compact,delete
requirement failed: Invalid entity config: all configs to be added must be
in the format "key=val".
./kafka-configs  --zookeeper broker0:2181 --alter --entity-type topics
--entity-name test --add-config cleanup.policy=compact,delete
requirement failed: Invalid entity config: all configs to be added must be
in the format "key=val".
./kafka-configs  --zookeeper broker0:2181 --alter --entity-type topics
--entity-name test --add-config cleanup.policy="compact,delete"
requirement failed: Invalid entity config: all configs to be added must be
in the format "key=val".
./kafka-configs  --zookeeper broker0:2181 --alter --entity-type topics
--entity-name test --add-config cleanup.policy='compact,delete'
requirement failed: Invalid entity config: all configs to be added must be
in the format "key=val".

Is this missing for the client and/or the topic-level configuration options?

Does anyone know if/how this is supposed to work?

Side-note: Our use-case (KTable with cleanup after some time) should be
covered with WindowKTables as far as I understand, but the documentation
for the cleanup.policy seems inconsistent.

best regards


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