At this point of investigation, I have no idea....

De : Vishnu Manivannan <>
Envoyé : vendredi 20 juillet 2018 21:28:24
À :
Objet : Re: Kafka Connect: Increase Consumer Consumption

No, I'm just running one consumer now and trying to increase its consumption 
before I increase the number of consumers.

Yeah I know it's weird, I thought I would see some changes in data consumption 
after tweaking these parameters.

On 7/18/18, 11:48 PM, "adrien ruffie" <> wrote:

    Strange enough ...

    I don't really understand why.

    Do you have multiple consumer ?

    I don't know if a metric which gives the external consumption of a topic.

    But if even simple metric exist, you can check if it's your consumer which 
not really receive more than 1150 records,

    and your topic gets out more than 5000 records.


    De : Vishnu Manivannan <>
    Envoyé : jeudi 19 juillet 2018 00:05:14
    À :
    Objet : Re: Kafka Connect: Increase Consumer Consumption

    Hi Adrien,

    I set to 1500 ms and ran it again. It still isn't 
crossing 1150 records per fetch. On the producer side (using 
kakfa-producer-perf-test), its producing about 30,000 records/sec and a million 
records in total.

    I tried different configurations amongst these three parameters 
(max.poll.records, fetch.min.bytes, All the other 
parameters are unchanged and have their default values. I have not changed any 
of the broker configs either. I read the Kafka documentation but could not find 
any other parameters that could impact the fetch size.

    Is there some other consumer or broker parameter that I might be missing?


    On 7/18/18, 1:48 PM, "adrien ruffie" <> wrote:

        Hi Vishnu,

        do you have check your value ?

        it may not be long enough time to wait until you recover your 5000 
records ...

        maybe just enough time to recover only 1150 records.

        By setting fetch.min.bytes, you tell Kafka to wait until it has enough 
data to send before responding to the consumer. lets you 
control how long to wait. By default, Kafka will wait up to 500 ms. This 
results in up to 500 ms of extra latency in case there is not enough data 
flowing to the Kafka topic to satisfy the minimum amount of data to return. If 
you want to limit the potential latency (usually due to SLAs controlling the 
maximum latency of the application), you can set to a lower 
value. If you set to 100 ms and fetch.min.bytes to 1 MB, 
Kafka will receive a fetch request from the consumer and will respond with data 
either when it has 1 MB of data to return or after 100 ms, whichever happens 

        Best regards,


        De : Vishnu Manivannan <>
        Envoyé : mercredi 18 juillet 2018 21:00:50
        À :
        Objet : Kafka Connect: Increase Consumer Consumption


        I am currently working with a single Kafka broker and a single Kafka 
consumer. I am trying to get the consumer to fetch more records, so I can 
increase the batch size when I write the data to a DB.

        Each record is about 1 KB and I am trying to fetch at least 5000 
records each time. So, I changed the configurations for the following consumer 

          *   max.poll.records = 5000
          *   fetch.min.bytes = 5120000

        For some reason, the maximum number of records fetched each time does 
not go above 1150. Are there any other parameters that I should look into or 
any changes I should make to the current configurations?


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