
We are currently studying event-driven architectures with Kafka, and one thing 
that scares me a bit is that we have no way to know at any moment what is the 
state of a business transaction that spans multiple services. Let’s consider 
the following simple flow:
1. the ‘orders’ service creates a ‘new order’ event.
2. the ‘validation’ service validates the order and publishes an ‘order 
validated’ or ‘order rejected’.
3. the ‘email’ service sends a confirmation email to the customer.

This does not directly concern Kafka but are there some tools that help 
visually tracking the status of any particular order, and know which part of 
the flow remains to be done? I know Confluent Control Center allows to monitor 
the Kafka topics, but I’m not aware of any tool allowing to visualize the 
business flows of events.


Jonathan Roy

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