To understand joins better, you might want to check out:

KSQL uses the same join semantics as Kafka Streams.


On 7/11/18 8:01 AM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
> Hello Jonathan,
> At the very high-level, KSQL statements is compiled into a Kafka Streams
> topology for execution. And the concept "state stores" are for Kafka
> Streams, not for KSQL, where inside the topology for those processor nodes
> that need stateful processing, like Joins, one or more state stores would
> be associated with the nodes.
> Back to your example, this KSQL statement will be compiled into a Kafka
> Streams that roughly looks like this:
> ----------
> Kafka topic that defines stream "topics" --> source node --> join node
> (queries the "users-state" store, as generated below) --> sink node --> Kafka
> topic that defines stream "orders_enriched"
> Kafka topic that defines table "users" --> source node --> materialization
> node (associated with a state store, let's name it "users-state")
> ----------
> That is, one state store will be used to materialize the table changelog
> stream for "users", where the other stream's record will query on.
> In Kafka Streams, you can query a state store following the interactive
> query mechanism:
> It is not supported in KSQL yet.
> Guozhang
> On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 1:41 AM, Jonathan Roy <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Kafka users,
>> I am very new to Kafka and more globally to stream processing, and am
>> trying to understand some of the concepts used by Kafka. From what I
>> understand, a key-value state store is created on each processor node that
>> performs stateful operations such as aggregations or joins. Let’s take an
>> example. I have an ‘orders’ stream and a ‘users’ table, and I want to
>> enrich the orders events with the corresponding users information, using
>> the KSQL CLI:
>> CREATE STREAM orders_enriched AS SELECT <>, o.article,
>> o.quantity, o.userId,, u.address, FROM orders o LEFT JOIN
>> users u ON o.userId = <>;
>> Where is located the state store in this case? What will it contain
>> exactly? Is it possible to query it from another node?
>> Thanks beforehand for your help!
>> Jonathan

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