Hi Kafka users,

I am very new to Kafka and more globally to stream processing, and am trying to 
understand some of the concepts used by Kafka. From what I understand, a 
key-value state store is created on each processor node that performs stateful 
operations such as aggregations or joins. Let’s take an example. I have an 
‘orders’ stream and a ‘users’ table, and I want to enrich the orders events 
with the corresponding users information, using the KSQL CLI:

CREATE STREAM orders_enriched AS SELECT o.id <http://o.id/>, o.article, 
o.quantity, o.userId, u.name, u.address, u.email FROM orders o LEFT JOIN users 
u ON o.userId = u.id <http://u.id/>;

Where is located the state store in this case? What will it contain exactly? Is 
it possible to query it from another node?

Thanks beforehand for your help!


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