I have a few questions on behavior of kafka w.r.t to broker life-cycle changes.
1. When a new broker is added to the cluster, do we need to manually invoke rebalancing or based on the load, kafka automatically invokes rebalancing ? 2. When an active broker goes down, does Kafka moves the partitions to other brokers ? And when the broker comes back again, does it get back the ownership of the partitions (or partition replicas) automatically without a manual rebalance ? 3. If a broker goes down and comes back up clean (for eg. disk went bad and the partitions got cleaned up) with the same broker ID, would the partitions be automatically moved to this broker or do we need to do a manual rebalance to get this broker handle some partitions ? 4. Is there a document/blog post/link that talks about Kafka broker behavior on failure scenarios. Thanks, Raghu.