Thank you very much,
Would you think that Kafka-Streams with exactly_once flag enabled would perform 
better than kafka client with individual commit per message as timed below? 
Perhaps the implementation of exactly-once read-process-write is using other 
methods and its performance is better.
Indeed, incrementing a counter per processed message key in our database would 
be one way of accounting for duplicate processing, but I am not sure how can I 
do this in an efficient way (not querying all table).
Until now I concentrated on accounting for duplicate keys in topics via a 
kafka-streams job. That might be enough only if we transform a code that we 
have for main business logic in a pure function, and create the effect of 
writing to the database via a kafka connector. Since I understand both streams 
and connectors support exactly once, it would be a possibility to eliminate the 
possibility of duplicate processing downstream of a topic.

Thanks for your help,
From: Sönke Liebau []
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: commiting consumed offsets synchronously (every message)

Hi Nicu,

committing after every message and thus retrieving them with a batch size
of 1 will definitely make a huge difference in performance!
I've rigged a quick (and totally non academic) test which came up with the
following numbers:

Batching consumer - Consumed 1000490 records in 5 seconds
Non Batching, commiting consumer - Consumed 1000000 records in 3023 seconds

The first line was a consumer with default settings and auto.offset.commit,
the second one retrieved messages one per poll and called commitSync after
every message.

I am not sure if you actually need this though, wouldn't your deduplication
process be able to check the downstream system, whether that specific
message was already processed and use that to identify duplicates?
Or are you not sending the actual records downstream but just doing
something like summing, counting, ... them?

It's tough to be more specific without knowing more specifics, but maybe
that helps a bit already?

Best regards,

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 11:57 AM, Marasoiu, Nicu <> wrote:
> Hi,
> In order to obtain an exactly-once semantics, we are thinking of doing
at-least-once processing, and then have a compensation mechanism to fix the
results in few minutes by correcting them by substracting the effects of
the duplicates. However, in order to do that, it seems that at least this
compensation mechanism needs to read from a topic and commit offsets every
message, so that when failover happens, it would not interpret as
duplicates the events from the latest commit until present. What are the
performance implications of this, and what advice would you have for
exactly-once behavior (at least with controllable error)?
> Thank you,
> Nicu Marasoiu
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