In order to obtain an exactly-once semantics, we are thinking of doing 
at-least-once processing, and then have a compensation mechanism to fix the 
results in few minutes by correcting them by substracting the effects of the 
duplicates. However, in order to do that, it seems that at least this 
compensation mechanism needs to read from a topic and commit offsets every 
message, so that when failover happens, it would not interpret as duplicates 
the events from the latest commit until present. What are the performance 
implications of this, and what advice would you have for exactly-once behavior 
(at least with controllable error)?
Thank you,
Nicu Marasoiu
Geschäftsanschrift/Business address: METRO SYSTEMS GmbH, Metro-Straße 12, 40235 
Düsseldorf, Germany
Aufsichtsrat/Supervisory Board: Heiko Hutmacher (Vorsitzender/ Chairman)
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