Hi David, You might find this presentation useful: https://www.slideshare.net/lallea/protecting-privacy-in-practice
It explains privacy building blocks primarily in a batch processing context, but most of the principles are applicable for stream processing as well, e.g. splitting non-PII and PII data ("ejected record" slide), encrypting PII data ("lost key" slide). Regards, Lars Albertsson Data engineering consultant www.mapflat.com https://twitter.com/lalleal +46 70 7687109 Calendar: http://www.mapflat.com/calendar On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 7:46 PM, David Espinosa <espi...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi all, > I would like to double check with you how we want to apply some GDPR into > my kafka topics. In concrete the "right to be forgotten", what forces us to > delete some data contained in the messages. So not deleting the message, > but editing it. > For doing that, my intention is to replicate the topic and apply a > transformation over it. > I think that frameworks like Kafka Streams or Apache Storm. > > Did anybody had to solve this problem? > > Thanks in advance.