I guess It's kinda late since I am already in transit for work.

Is there any plan to do something in Europe e.g. London or some other place?

On 18 Aug 2017 4:41 pm, "Gwen Shapira" <g...@confluent.io> wrote:

> Hi,
> I figured everyone in this list kinda cares about Kafka, so just making
> sure you all know.
> Kafka Summit SF happens in about a week:
> https://kafka-summit.org/events/kafka-summit-sf/
> August 28 in San Francisco. It is not too late to register.
> The talks are pretty great (and very relevant to everyone here) - from new
> Kafka features to how different companies run Kafka in different ways.
> Even better, most of the Apache Kafka committers will attend. So if you
> ever wanted to discuss Kafka internals with the people who are writing this
> thing and reviewing every line of code, this is a good opportunity. Also a
> good time to discuss your favorite KIPs in person and argue about that
> There will also be good food, parties and fun swag.
> As a member of the mailing list and a fellow procrastinator you can use the
> code kafpcf17 for 30% off your conference pass.
> Looking forward to see you there and to toast for Apache Kafka 1.0 :)
> Gwen

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