Hi, I figured everyone in this list kinda cares about Kafka, so just making sure you all know.
Kafka Summit SF happens in about a week: https://kafka-summit.org/events/kafka-summit-sf/ August 28 in San Francisco. It is not too late to register. The talks are pretty great (and very relevant to everyone here) - from new Kafka features to how different companies run Kafka in different ways. Even better, most of the Apache Kafka committers will attend. So if you ever wanted to discuss Kafka internals with the people who are writing this thing and reviewing every line of code, this is a good opportunity. Also a good time to discuss your favorite KIPs in person and argue about that JIRA. There will also be good food, parties and fun swag. As a member of the mailing list and a fellow procrastinator you can use the code kafpcf17 for 30% off your conference pass. Looking forward to see you there and to toast for Apache Kafka 1.0 :) Gwen