If that is what it meant for DAG processing (we still need to confirm with
Sameer), then programming-wise I do not see what's the difference with
Kafka Streams since inside Streams users is also just specifying the
topology as a DAG:


What is even better is that for Streams since we use Kafka as intermeidate
buffer between connected sub-topologies user do not need to worry about
back-pressure at all:


And flexibility-wise, as you mention "it is a bit more flexible than Kafka
Streams", I also cannot agree with you that it is the case, since with
Kafka Streams threading model people can easily have multiple tasks
representing different connected parts (i.e. sub-topologies) of the DAG
which are then hosted by different threads executing on their own pace


Again, this is because different threads never need to talk to each other,
but they just read / write data from / to Kafka topics which are then the
persistent buffer of the intermeidate streams, no synchronization between
threads are needed.


On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 10:38 AM, David Garcia <dav...@spiceworks.com>

> On that note, akka streams has Kafka integration.  We use it heavily and
> it is quite a bit more flexible than K-Streams (which we also useā€¦but for
> simpler applications)  Akka-streams-Kafka is particularly good for
> asynchronous processing: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-
> stream-kafka/current/home.html
> -David
> On 7/17/17, 12:35 PM, "David Garcia" <dav...@spiceworks.com> wrote:
>     I think he means something like Akka Streams:
> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5.2/java/stream/stream-graphs.html
>     Directed Acyclic Graphs are trivial to construct in Akka Streams and
> use back-pressure to preclude memory issues.
>     -David
>     On 7/17/17, 12:20 PM, "Guozhang Wang" <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Sameer,
>         Could you elaborate a bit more what do you mean by "DAG
> processing"?
>         Guozhang
>         On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 11:58 PM, Sameer Kumar <
> sam.kum.w...@gmail.com>
>         wrote:
>         > Currently, we don't have DAG processing in Kafka Streams. Having
> a DAG has
>         > its own share of advantages in that, it can optimize code on its
> own and
>         > come up with a optimized execution plan.
>         >
>         > Are we exploring in this direction, do we have this in our
> current roadmap.
>         >
>         >  -Sameer.
>         >
>         --
>         -- Guozhang

-- Guozhang

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