On that note, akka streams has Kafka integration.  We use it heavily and it is 
quite a bit more flexible than K-Streams (which we also useā€¦but for simpler 
applications)  Akka-streams-Kafka is particularly good for asynchronous 
processing: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-stream-kafka/current/home.html


On 7/17/17, 12:35 PM, "David Garcia" <dav...@spiceworks.com> wrote:

    I think he means something like Akka Streams: 
    Directed Acyclic Graphs are trivial to construct in Akka Streams and use 
back-pressure to preclude memory issues.
    On 7/17/17, 12:20 PM, "Guozhang Wang" <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
        Could you elaborate a bit more what do you mean by "DAG processing"?
        On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 11:58 PM, Sameer Kumar <sam.kum.w...@gmail.com>
        > Currently, we don't have DAG processing in Kafka Streams. Having a 
DAG has
        > its own share of advantages in that, it can optimize code on its own 
        > come up with a optimized execution plan.
        > Are we exploring in this direction, do we have this in our current 
        >  -Sameer.
        -- Guozhang

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