Okay and are you using Kafka Connect (with JDBC connectors) or using plain
Producer Consumers (and your own library calls to perform this SQL
operations) ?

If you have a maintenance window (and some SLA) before which all the
messages are capture in SQL db - you can go ahead and clean up the logs
yourself - Just need to delete the contents of version-2 (zookeeper) and
Kafka log folders (specified by log.dirs in prop file). That's your
challenge to take home :)

The issue is the same for server logs (it cannot rename/delete) but same
suggestion follows here - just clean/collect them manually in the
maintenance window.

I would not dismiss the trial straight away, Please try and emulate some
basic scenario with the workaround/manual log cleanup. What you would
really like to see is the following:

1) Can kafka recover from failures as expected? On your Windows platform
2) Can Kafka reliably deliver messages over a certain period (I would say,
keep pumping data over 2 days, don't turn the machine off)
3) Some more tests if you have in mind.

As long as those are answered, the Disk/File operation issue can be handled
by your maintenance window anyway. But it's up to you whether you want to
try this or not.


On 17 July 2017 at 18:05, harish jadhav <harishjadhav1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi KR,
> Thanks for clarifyication and thank you for spending your valuable time to
> assist on our issues.
> Our requirement is to have Kafka in Windows environment. The messages in
> Kafka gets pushed from external entities;  we have consumers which consume
> those records and insert to mySQL database. Also we want to keep the
> messages on Kafka for maximum one week for making sure we won't loose any
> data when connectivity is not there to DB.
> We don't use Linux as our setups will be purely windows house (not even
> Linux dockers or VM ).
> Indeed we have not faced any other issues apart from the file
> deletion/renaming issue which I reported to you in my previous mail. As you
> suggested, we can cleanup the logs from sepearte utility.
> My only concern is that - as document suggests running kafka on windows
> has some issues hence not able to decide on using it on windows production
> bed.
> Thanks
> Harish
> On Mon, 7/17/17, M. Manna <manme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Subject: Re: Windows OS platform support
>  To: "harish jadhav" <harishjadhav1...@yahoo.com>
>  Cc: "Kafka Users" <users@kafka.apache.org>
>  Date: Monday, July 17, 2017, 4:04 PM
>  I have
>  never said that that we shouldn't use Kafka officially
>  for Windows Production Environment. I am running a major PoC
>  which involves developing solution on Windows 10 - but my
>  production docker containers are using Alpine Linux so I
>  won't have any issues for the final integration
>  pipeline.
>  What I would like
>  to clarify is that if you are going for a full Windows
>  pipeline for your implementation (i.e. dev+delivery both on
>  Windows platoform) - you might want to do more research.
>  This user group is awesome and everyone is very active in
>  getting all the issues resolved asap.
>  We have seen good performance on
>  Windows and they are more or less consistent with all the
>  metrics published in Kafka - if you don't have a strict
>  requirement to do log cleanup you can use the workaround I
>  mentioned, or just clean the logs yourself.
>  What is your implementation
>  requirement, exactly? Do you need to preserve all the
>  messages (i.e. ability to replay)? Or would you be happy to
>  delete them during a scheduled maintenance window
>  ?
>  KR,
>  On 17 July 2017 at 16:19,
>  harish jadhav <harishjadhav1...@yahoo.com>
>  wrote:
>  Hello
>  M.Manna,
>  Do you mean
>  we should not use Kafka in windows production until the disk
>  I/O issues(For which you have given workaround) are resolved
>  officilally?
>  ThanksHarish
>  On Monday, July 17, 2017,
>  5:31:11 PM GMT+5:30, M. Manna <manme...@gmail.com>
>  wrote:
>  The workaround is to
>  download the sources and create a wrapper around method
>  forceUnmap in LogSegment.scala file. Please do not take it a
>  solution as no one has approved this yet on KAFKA-1194
>  ticket. but it works.
>  I
>  tried to update the scala sources to run the unit tests -
>  but it fails all the time. Howerver, the fix works. Also,
>  the log files are actually okay, it's the index and
>  timeIndex files which throws RTE.
>  Do the following (Prerequisite - you
>  have to follow the src download and setup instruction from
>  Kafka website - Also use or higher):
>  1) Create a new wrapper in
>  AbstractIndex.scala directly under def
>  forceUnmap
>  //
>  Forces unmapping of multibyte map files on
>  Windowsdef forceUnmapOnWindows() {if
>  (OperatingSystem.IS_WINDOWS)
>  forceUnmap(mmap)}
>  2. Find the method
>  changeFileSuffixes and invoke the above method (i.e.
>  forceUnmapOnWindows() ) for index and timeIndex files -
>   just before:
>    i) The try catch block with index file
>  ii) The try catch block with timeIndex file.
>  So it will become the
>  following:
>    def
>  changeFileSuffixes(oldSuffix: String, newSuffix: String)
>  {
>      def kafkaStorageException( fileType:
>  String, e: IOException) =
>        new
>  KafkaStorageException(s"Failed to change the $fileType
>  file suffix from $oldSuffix to $newSuffix for log segment
>  $baseOffset", e)
>      try
>  log.renameTo(new File(CoreUtils.replaceSuffix(
>  log.file.getPath, oldSuffix, newSuffix)))
>    catch {
>        case e: IOException
>  => throw kafkaStorageException("log", e)
>      }
>  index.forceUnmapOnWindows()
>      try
>  index.renameTo(new File(CoreUtils.replaceSuffix(
>  index.file.getPath, oldSuffix, newSuffix)))
>      catch {
>        case e:
>  IOException => throw
>  kafkaStorageException("index", e)
>      }
>  timeIndex.forceUnmapOnWindows( )
>      try
>  timeIndex.renameTo(new File(CoreUtils.replaceSuffix(
>  timeIndex.file.getPath, oldSuffix, newSuffix)))
>      catch {
>        case e:
>  IOException => throw kafkaStorageException("
>  timeindex", e)
>      }
>    } 3.
>  Execute gradlew -jar --debug (REMEMBER - you need to setup
>  everything with the project beforehand, otherwise it
>  won't work).
>  Once
>  the build is complete - get the core jar and dump it in your
>  kafka broker lib folder (it will replace the old
>  one).
>  4. Redeploy
>  and check if the cleanup is working.
>  KR,
>  On 17 July 2017 at 12:21, harish
>  jadhav <harishjadhav1...@yahoo.com>
>  wrote:
>  Hello M.Manna,
>  Thanks
>  for your quick and valuable response.
>  Actually I am getting following
>  error -
>  Caused by:
>  java.nio.file. FileSystemException:
>  \tmp\kafka-logs\TopicName-2\
>  00000000000000007262.log
>  -> \tmp\kafka-logs\TopicName
>  -2\00000000000000007262.log. deleted: The
>  process cannot access the file because it is being used by
>  another process.
>   Uncaught exception in
>  scheduled task 'kafka-log-retention'
>  (kafka.utils.KafkaScheduler)
>  kafka.common.
>  KafkaStorageException: Failed to change the log file suffix
>  from  to .deleted for log segment 7262
>  There must be
>  some workaround available for above issues. However I
>  don't know what other potential issues can come in
>  future. Hence need your suggestion on whether to continue to
>  use Kafka in windows production system.
>  Please guide us on
>  this.
>  ThanksHarish
>  On Monday,
>  July 17, 2017, 2:15:15 PM GMT+5:30, M. Manna <manme...@gmail.com>
>  wrote:
>  Hi,
>  First I
>  apologise and should just correct myself. I should use
>  "Disk/File level operations" instead of using
>  "I/O" since that refers to different
>  things.
>  What I mean to
>  say that file deletion/renaming doesn't work even when
>  you provide full permissions in Windows. But Unix/Linux
>  based system it's okay. This can be called as
>  "Deletion/Renaming of shared files" i.e. which are
>  already opened for appending/editing.
>  As an example try to run the uni
>  tests for Kafka on Windows where file renaming/deletion
>  occurs as part of the tests.They will fail. But same process
>  works all good on Linux.
>  From the official documentation,
>  Kafka has already made a disclaimer that Windows
>  Implementation is not fully vetted (in progress). I believe
>  all the top examples from LinkedIn are based on Unix/Linux.
>  You are actually okay to do PoC activities on windows - log
>  retention/rename/deletion will work fine.
>  I hope this helps you
>  understand.
>  KR,
>  On
>  17 July 2017 at 09:22, harish jadhav <harishjadhav1...@yahoo.com>
>  wrote:
>  Hi
>  M.Manna,
>  Thanks for the update.
>  If possible, can you
>  please share which admin I/O level functionality will
>  impact? Do you mean something related to log files
>  renaming?
>  In
>  documentation, there is no pointer with respect to
>  I/O.
>  Kindly advice.
>  ThanksHarish
>  On
>  Saturday, July 15, 2017, 1:59:58 PM GMT+5:30, M. Manna
>  <manme...@gmail.com>
>  wrote:
>  Kafka
>  has some issues wuth IO level admin functionalities e.g.
>  file deletion/renaming doesn't work out of the box like
>  Linux. However, user base is growing and there's a
>  momentum to support Windows OS seamlessly like
>  Linux.
>  I have been running
>  some stress tests on Windows and the performance is quite
>  consistent. If you have any findings you would like to
>  share, please publish them.
>  Please read Kafka documentation
>  where there are some disclaimers regarding OS
>  support.
>  On
>  15 Jul 2017 1:27 am, "Eno Thereska" <eno.there...@gmail.com>
>  wrote:
>  Hi
>  Harish,
>  I believe many people/orgs use it on Windows. We rely on the
>  community to test/fix/answer any Windows questions, same as
>  with Linux or MacOS. However, based on what I've
>  observed, perhaps there are more people answering
>  Linux-related questions.
>  Eno
>  > On 14 Jul 2017, at 13:24, harish jadhav <harishjadhav1...@yahoo.com.
>  INVALID> wrote:
>  >
>  > Hello Team,
>  >
>  > I am exploring Apache Kafka and found that one of the
>  best MQ I have encountered. I was exploring option to use it
>  in Windows machine and started some kind of proof of concept
>  work referring installation section on windows and it work
>  perfectly. Later realized that Kafka documentation says
>  under Hardware and OS section " We have seen a few
>  issues running on Windows and Windows is not currently a
>  well supported platform though we would be happy to change
>  that. "
>  >
>  > I am curios to know is there any actual issue running
>  Kafka in windows OS as whichever feature I am using with
>  single instance ( Producer-Consumer) works perfectly in
>  windows test bed. Can I use it production windows
>  machines?
>  >
>  > Please advice.
>  >
>  > Thanks
>  > Harish

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