Hi Harish,

I believe many people/orgs use it on Windows. We rely on the community to 
test/fix/answer any Windows questions, same as with Linux or MacOS. However, 
based on what I've observed, perhaps there are more people answering 
Linux-related questions.


> On 14 Jul 2017, at 13:24, harish jadhav <harishjadhav1...@yahoo.com.INVALID> 
> wrote:
> Hello Team,
> I am exploring Apache Kafka and found that one of the best MQ I have 
> encountered. I was exploring option to use it in Windows machine and started 
> some kind of proof of concept work referring installation section on windows 
> and it work perfectly. Later realized that Kafka documentation says under 
> Hardware and OS section " We have seen a few issues running on Windows and 
> Windows is not currently a well supported platform though we would be happy 
> to change that. "
> I am curios to know is there any actual issue running Kafka in windows OS as 
> whichever feature I am using with single instance ( Producer-Consumer) works 
> perfectly in windows test bed. Can I use it production windows machines?
> Please advice. 
> Thanks
> Harish

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