Thanks a lot for your input James.


From:   James Cheng <>
Date:   07/06/2017 10:26 PM
Subject:        Re: Mirroring multiple clusters into one

Answers inline below.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 7, 2017, at 1:18 AM, Vahid S Hashemian 
<> wrote:
> James,
> Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience.
> Could you please also confirm whether
> - you do any encryption for the mirrored data?
Not at the Kafka level. The data goes over a VPN.

> - you have a many-to-one mirroring similar to what I described?

Yes, we mirror multiple source clusters to a single target cluster. We 
have a topic naming convention where our topics are prefixed with their 
cluster name, so as long as we follow that convention, each source topic 
gets mirrored to a unique target topic. That is, we try not to have 
multiple mirrormakers writing to a single target topic. 

Our topic names in the target cluster get prefixed with the string 
"mirror." And then we never mirror topics that start with "mirror." This 
prevents us from creating mirroring loops.

> Thanks.
> --Vahid
> From:   James Cheng <>
> To:
> Cc:     dev <>
> Date:   07/06/2017 12:37 PM
> Subject:        Re: Mirroring multiple clusters into one
> I'm not sure what the "official" recommendation is. At TiVo, we *do* run 

> all our mirrormakers near the target cluster. It works fine for us, but 
> we're still fairly inexperienced, so I'm not sure how strong of a data 
> point we should be.
> I think the thought process is, if you are mirroring from a source 
> to a target cluster where there is a WAN between the two, then whichever 

> request goes across the WAN has a higher chance of intermittent failure 
> than the one over the LAN. That means that if mirrormaker is near the 
> source cluster, the produce request over the WAN to the target cluster 
> fail. If the mirrormaker is near the target cluster, then the fetch 
> request over the WAN to the source cluster may fail.
> Failed fetch requests don't have much impact on data replication, it 
> delays it. Whereas a failure during a produce request may introduce 
> duplicates.
> Becket Qin from LinkedIn did a presentation on tuning producer 
> at a meetup last year, and I remember he specifically talked about 
> producing over a WAN as one of the cases where you have to tune 
> Maybe that presentation will give more ideas about what to look at. 

> -James
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 6, 2017, at 1:00 AM, Vahid S Hashemian 
> <> wrote:
>> The literature suggests running the MM on the target cluster when 
> possible 
>> (with the exception of when encryption is required for transferred 
> data).
>> I am wondering if this is still the recommended approach when mirroring 

>> from multiple clusters to a single cluster (i.e. multiple MM 
>> Is there anything in particular (metric, specification, etc.) to 
> consider 
>> before making a decision?
>> Thanks.
>> --Vahid

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