
I am trying to post Messages from Oracle to Kafka broker directly using custom 
java class for that I uploaded the required library in oracle and calling java 
function using oracle function/procedure. Basic java function is working fine 
but function in which Kafka is getting initialized and used throwing uncaught 
exception. Even I put whole function body inside try-catch block but still not 
getting my customized exception as message.
I am having Oracle 12C that have JVM version 1.8.

This message got popup on oracle SQL prompt at java function call 
(java.lang.NoClassDefFound Error).

I created a jar file for my custom classes and uploaded it with it's respected 
libraries to oracle DB.
I uploaded library files using below command.

loadjava -u <user>/<Password>@DB -resolve <library>.jar

Please tell how to get Kafka Producer initialized and start sending message, 
from inside oracle

My custom classes are given below

public class KafkaPublisher {
static ProducerRecord<String, String> PR = null;
static Producer<String, String> producer = null;
static Properties prop = new Properties();

public static void init() {
prop.put("bootstrap.servers", "");
prop.put("acks", "1");
prop.put("retries", "0");
prop.put("batch.size", "16384");
prop.put("linger.ms", "1");
prop.put("buffer.memory", "33554432");


public static String push(String data) {
String response = "No responce";
try {
producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(prop);
PR = new ProducerRecord<String, String>("topic1", data);
Future<RecordMetadata> future = producer.send(PR);
RecordMetadata rMetaData = future.get();
response = "Current Offset: " + rMetaData.offset();
} catch (Exception e) {
response = "Message: " + e.getMessage() + " Cause: " + e.getCause();
return response;

public static String getProperties(String msg) {
return "My message: " + msg + prop.toString();

## function getProperties(String msg) is working fine but function push(String 
data) is not working.

Thanks and Regards,

Rahul Kumar
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