Hi Sven,

If you change the topic config, any new data received by that broker will
be in the new compression type. However, followers don't uncompress data,
so they will store the data as it was in the leader. An easier way to test
what you are trying to test is to use MirrorMaker to mirror the data to
another cluster.


On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 11:59 AM, Sven Ludwig <s_lud...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> 1. I would like to test lz4 compression on a new broker node that I want
> add to my cluster, while the other nodes remain in snappy, in order to
> compare disk usage etc. I am not sure if this scenario is even possible
> with only one cluster, since in the docs it is mentioned that
> compression.type is a topic-level setting, and thus maybe not really per
> broker. I want to use Broker-side compression only. The situation is:
> broker 1 - Status: Up - compression.type snappy
> broker 2 - Status: Up - compression.type snappy
> broker 3 - Status: Down - compression.type lz4
> The topic for the test already exists on brokers 1 and 2 which are up and
> has some 20GB content.
> When I start broker 3, will it use snappy or lz4 for the topic?
> 2. How can one migrate a cluster (or a topic) from one broker-side
> compression type to another?
> Kind Regards,
> Sven

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