Hi, 1. I would like to test lz4 compression on a new broker node that I want add to my cluster, while the other nodes remain in snappy, in order to compare disk usage etc. I am not sure if this scenario is even possible with only one cluster, since in the docs it is mentioned that compression.type is a topic-level setting, and thus maybe not really per broker. I want to use Broker-side compression only. The situation is: broker 1 - Status: Up - compression.type snappy broker 2 - Status: Up - compression.type snappy broker 3 - Status: Down - compression.type lz4
The topic for the test already exists on brokers 1 and 2 which are up and has some 20GB content. When I start broker 3, will it use snappy or lz4 for the topic? 2. How can one migrate a cluster (or a topic) from one broker-side compression type to another? Kind Regards, Sven