> On Apr 27, 2017, at 3:25 AM, Vladimir Lalovic <lalo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Our system is about ride reservations and acts as broker between customers
> and drivers.

> Most of our rules are function of time and some reservation’s property
> (e.g. check if there are any reservations where remaining time before
> pickup is less than x).
> Number of reservations we currently fetching is ~5000 and number of
> notification/alerting rules is ~20
> Based on documentation and some blog posts I have impression that Kafka and
> Kafka Stream library are good choice for this use case but I would like to
> confirm that with someone from Kafka team or to get some recommendations ...

We use Kafka Streams for an event dispatch system (although ours uses SMS)

I have run into a couple of edge issues where it was clear that most users
use KS differently (most for continuous streaming analysis jobs) but 
the library is also good for building event driven applications and we are quite
happy with our choice.

Just know that you're at the far edge of what the community uses KS for so you 
trip over an issue or two.  I'd still highly recommend it!

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