I see it is possible to pause specific topic partition consumption when using KafkaConsumer directly, but looks like it is not possible when using KafkaStreams.
There are following use cases for that: 1) Doing batch processing using Kafka Streams (I found https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-95%3A+Incremental+Batch+Processing+for+Kafka+Streams proposal for Kafka Streams, but according to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4437 there is no active development on that side). So we are considering to just pause specific topic partitions as soon as we arrive to stop offsets for them. 2) Assume we process multiple topics in some parallel way and want to pause some topics while waiting for other topics to catch up. Actually, the first use case is more important for us, so would be good to know if there is a possibility or some improvements are already planned for allowing to pause specific topic partition consumption in KafkaStream. -- Best Regards, Timur.