A consumer that wishes to join a Consumer Group should issue a Group Coordinator Request (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol#AGuideToTheKafkaProtocol-GroupCoordinatorRequest)
If no Group Coordinator exists at that time, a new one will be elected by Kafka, and the reply identifies the newly elected coordinator. Hopefully you client library takes care of this for you. Regards Henning Røigaard-Petersen -----Original Message----- From: 陈江枫 [mailto:kan...@gmail.com] Sent: 15. februar 2017 11:02 To: users@kafka.apache.org Subject: Re: How to choose one broker as Group Coordinator when a consumer join a group, selection will be triggered, and then rebalance. 2017-02-15 17:59 GMT+08:00 Yuanjia <yuanjia8...@163.com>: > Hi all, > Group Coordinator can be different for different consumer > groups,When a consumer wants to join a group,how to choose the Group > Coordinator? > > Thanks, > Yuanjia Li >