Correct me if I am wrong.

Firstly, determine the target partition of __consumer_offsets where the offset 
will be stored by calculating:

Math.abs(groupID.hashCode() % 50)

Secondly, find out the leader broker for that partition, and make that broker 
as the coordinator.

发件人: Yuanjia <>
发送时间: 2017年2月15日 18:10
收件人: users
主题: Re: Re: How to choose one broker as Group Coordinator

My question is the selection procedure.


From: 陈江枫
Date: 2017-02-15 18:01
To: users
Subject: Re: How to choose one broker as Group Coordinator
when a consumer join a group, selection will be triggered, and then

2017-02-15 17:59 GMT+08:00 Yuanjia <>:

> Hi all,
>     Group Coordinator can be different for different consumer groups,When
> a consumer wants to join a group,how to choose the Group Coordinator?
> Thanks,
> Yuanjia Li

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