Any input on this will be of great help . A rolling restart could fix the
issue but not sure if thats the right way to do it.


On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 9:46 AM, Meghana Narasimhan <
mnarasim...@bandwidth.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a 3 node cluster with version. The controller is reporting
> that one of the brokers has a leader imbalance.
> One of the topics with 120 partitions has Broker 0 and 2 acting as leaders
> for all its partitions.None of the partitions have Broker 1 as their leader.
> So the controller log reports a list of  partitions  for those topics not
> being in the preferred
> replica Map and also leader imbalance.
> DEBUG [Controller 1]: topics not in preferred replica Map([test,48] ->
> List(1, 2, 0), [test,54] -> List(1, 2, 0)...............................)
> TRACE [Controller 1]: leader imbalance ratio for broker 1 is 0.086957
> (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
> I believe broker 1 got into this state because of an issue on that broker
> a few weeks backup
> which crashed Kafka on that node. Later the corrupted log was identified
> and restored.
> But looks like since then that Broker hasn't been leader for that topic.
> What is the correct way to fix the issue of leader imbalance ?
> Thanks,
> Meghana

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