
We have a 3 node cluster with version. The controller is reporting
that one of the brokers has a leader imbalance.
One of the topics with 120 partitions has Broker 0 and 2 acting as leaders
for all its partitions.None of the partitions have Broker 1 as their leader.

So the controller log reports a list of  partitions  for those topics not
being in the preferred
replica Map and also leader imbalance.

DEBUG [Controller 1]: topics not in preferred replica Map([test,48] ->
List(1, 2, 0), [test,54] -> List(1, 2, 0)...............................)
TRACE [Controller 1]: leader imbalance ratio for broker 1 is 0.086957

I believe broker 1 got into this state because of an issue on that broker a
few weeks backup
which crashed Kafka on that node. Later the corrupted log was identified
and restored.
But looks like since then that Broker hasn't been leader for that topic.

What is the correct way to fix the issue of leader imbalance ?


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