AnyBody?This is very disconcerting! If convenient, Can somebody help to confirm this strange question.
> 在 2016年11月26日,上午1:35,Json Tu <> 写道: > > thanks guozhang, > if it's convenient,can we disscuss it in the jira > > <>,I guess some body may also > encounter this problem. > >> 在 2016年11月25日,下午12:31,Guozhang Wang <> 写道: >> >> Does broker 100 keeps acting as the controller afterwards? What you observe >> is possible and should be transient since "unsubscribeChildChanges" on >> ZkClient and listener fired procedure are executed on different threads and >> they are not strictly synchronized. But if you continuously see broker >> 100's listener fires and it acts like a controller then there may be an >> issue with version. >> >> Guozhang >> >> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 7:28 AM, Json Tu <> wrote: >> >>> Hi, >>> We have a cluster of kafka with 3 nodes, and we found a >>> strange controller log as below. >>> >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,575] INFO [SessionExpirationListener on 100], ZK >>> expired; shut down all controller components and try to re-elect >>> (kafka.controller.KafkaController$SessionExpirationListener) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,578] DEBUG [Controller 100]: Controller resigning, >>> broker id 100 (kafka.controller.KafkaController) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,579] DEBUG [Controller 100]: De-registering >>> IsrChangeNotificationListener (kafka.controller.KafkaController) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,579] INFO [delete-topics-thread-100], Shutting down >>> (kafka.controller.TopicDeletionManager$DeleteTopicsThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,579] INFO [delete-topics-thread-100], Stopped >>> (kafka.controller.TopicDeletionManager$DeleteTopicsThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,579] INFO [delete-topics-thread-100], Shutdown >>> completed (kafka.controller.TopicDeletionManager$DeleteTopicsThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,580] INFO [Partition state machine on Controller >>> 100]: Stopped partition state machine (kafka.controller. >>> PartitionStateMachine) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,580] INFO [Replica state machine on controller 100]: >>> Stopped replica state machine (kafka.controller.ReplicaStateMachine) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,583] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-101-send-thread], >>> Shutting down (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,584] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-101-send-thread], >>> Stopped (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,584] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-101-send-thread], >>> Shutdown completed (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,586] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-100-send-thread], >>> Shutting down (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,587] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-100-send-thread], >>> Stopped (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,587] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-100-send-thread], >>> Shutdown completed (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,587] INFO [Controller 100]: Broker 100 resigned as >>> the controller (kafka.controller.KafkaController) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,652] DEBUG [IsrChangeNotificationListener] Fired!!! >>> (kafka.controller.IsrChangeNotificationListener) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,668] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 100]: >>> Broker change listener fired for path /brokers/ids with children 101,100 >>> (kafka.controller.ReplicaStateMachine$BrokerChangeListener) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,683] DEBUG [DeleteTopicsListener on 100]: Delete >>> topics listener fired for topics to be deleted (kafka.controller. >>> PartitionStateMachine$DeleteTopicsListener) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,687] INFO [AddPartitionsListener on 100]: Add >>> Partition triggered {"version":1,"partitions":{"4" >>> :[102,101],"5":[100,102],"1":[102,100],"0":[101,102],"2":[100,101],"3":[101,100]}} >>> for path /brokers/topics/movie.gateway.merselllog.syncCinema >>> (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine$AddPartitionsListener) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,694] INFO [AddPartitionsListener on 100]: Add >>> Partition triggered {"version":1,"partitions":{"4" >>> :[102,101],"5":[100,102],"1":[102,100],"0":[101,102],"2":[100,101],"3":[101,100]}} >>> for path /brokers/topics/push_3rdparty_high (kafka.controller. >>> PartitionStateMachine$AddPartitionsListener) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,707] INFO [AddPartitionsListener on 100]: Add >>> Partition triggered {"version":1,"partitions":{"4" >>> :[101,102],"5":[102,100],"1":[101,100],"0":[100,102],"2":[102,101],"3":[100,101]}} >>> for path /brokers/topics/icb_msg_push_high_02 (kafka.controller. >>> PartitionStateMachine$AddPartitionsListener) >>> [2016-11-07 03:14:48,715] INFO [AddPartitionsListener on 100]: Add >>> Partition triggered {"version":1,"partitions":{"4" >>> :[102,100],"5":[100,101],"1":[102,101],"0":[101,100],"2":[100,102],"3":[101,102]}} >>> for path /brokers/topics/movie.gateway.merselllog.unlockSeat >>> (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine$AddPartitionsListener) >>> >>> >>> From the log we can see that old controller 100 resigned as the >>> controller successfully,but what confused me is that it can also receive >>> Fired!!! from IsrChangeNotificationListener which have beed de-register >>> before, >>> and we can see broker 100 not elect as new controller next time. but we >>> can see >>> IsrChangeNotificationListener、DeleteTopicsListener、AddPartitionsListener >>> all fired after ressign,does it seems something run with zookeeper. >>> Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks in advance. >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >> >> -- >> -- Guozhang >