        We have a cluster of kafka with 3 nodes, and we found a strange 
controller log as below.

[2016-11-07 03:14:48,575] INFO [SessionExpirationListener on 100], ZK expired; 
shut down all controller components and try to re-elect 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,578] DEBUG [Controller 100]: Controller resigning, broker 
id 100 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,579] DEBUG [Controller 100]: De-registering 
IsrChangeNotificationListener (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,579] INFO [delete-topics-thread-100], Shutting down 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,579] INFO [delete-topics-thread-100], Stopped  
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,579] INFO [delete-topics-thread-100], Shutdown completed 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,580] INFO [Partition state machine on Controller 100]: 
Stopped partition state machine (kafka.controller.PartitionStateMachine)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,580] INFO [Replica state machine on controller 100]: 
Stopped replica state machine (kafka.controller.ReplicaStateMachine)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,583] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-101-send-thread], 
Shutting down (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,584] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-101-send-thread], 
Stopped  (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,584] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-101-send-thread], 
Shutdown completed (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,586] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-100-send-thread], 
Shutting down (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,587] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-100-send-thread], 
Stopped  (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,587] INFO [Controller-100-to-broker-100-send-thread], 
Shutdown completed (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,587] INFO [Controller 100]: Broker 100 resigned as the 
controller (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,652] DEBUG [IsrChangeNotificationListener] Fired!!! 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,668] INFO [BrokerChangeListener on Controller 100]: Broker 
change listener fired for path /brokers/ids with children 101,100 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,683] DEBUG [DeleteTopicsListener on 100]: Delete topics 
listener fired for topics  to be deleted 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,687] INFO [AddPartitionsListener on 100]: Add Partition 
 for path /brokers/topics/movie.gateway.merselllog.syncCinema 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,694] INFO [AddPartitionsListener on 100]: Add Partition 
 for path /brokers/topics/push_3rdparty_high 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,707] INFO [AddPartitionsListener on 100]: Add Partition 
 for path /brokers/topics/icb_msg_push_high_02 
[2016-11-07 03:14:48,715] INFO [AddPartitionsListener on 100]: Add Partition 
 for path /brokers/topics/movie.gateway.merselllog.unlockSeat 

        From the log we can see that old controller 100 resigned as the 
controller successfully,but what confused me is that it can also receive 
Fired!!! from IsrChangeNotificationListener which have beed de-register before,
and we can see broker 100 not elect as new controller next time. but we can see 
IsrChangeNotificationListener、DeleteTopicsListener、AddPartitionsListener all 
fired after ressign,does it seems something run with zookeeper.
        Any suggestion is appreciated, thanks in advance.

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