And there is this which is still under
active development and not sure how they plan to keep up with Apache
Cassandra moving forward.

On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 9:36 AM, kant kodali <> wrote:

> Fixing typo's
> Hi Tauzell,
> Yeah our users want to query, do aggregations on Elastic Search directly
> and we cannot have inconsistent data  because say the writes didn't make it
> into Cassandra but made it to Elastic search then a simple aggregations
> like count will lead to a wrong answer but again as @Hans pointed out this
> is no longer a Kafka question and also your solution has merits in its own
> way which I really appreciate it! your solution does make writes faster and
> probably some performance penalty on the read side given repairs happen
> during the read stage in Cassandra (We could check in both but since our
> users query elastic search directly there is no way for us to check it in
> Cassandra else we could go with your solution as well).
> Basically, we use ES as an index for Cassandra since secondary indexes in
> Cassandra (including the latest implementation SASI) doesn't work with our
> use case since we have high cardinality columns (which means every row in a
> column is unique so index on a high cardinality column is not very
> efficient given the underlying data structure used by SASI, but with
> inverted index which is used by ES is much faster).
> We do use Apache Spark along with Cassandra and I am trying to explore
> Succint and if everything
> works out with Succint we can get rid of elastic search. The only thing
> that I worry and still testing with Spark, Cassandra and Succint is whether
> If the aggregations/computations of a column or search on particular
> Cassandra field/column  can happen in real time given a big dataset (with
> ES it does so the goal is to see if we can get somewhere close or perform
> even better).
> Thanks!

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