I don't believe that either of your two storage systems support distributed
atomic transactions.
You are just going to have to do one of the following:
1) update them separately (in parallel) and be aware that their committed
offsets may be slightly different at certain points in time
2) update one and when you are sure the data is in the first storage, then
update the other storage and be aware that you need to handle your own
rollback logic if the second storage system is down or throws an error when
you try to write to it.

It is very common in Kafka community to do #1 but in either case this is no
longer a Kafka question and has become more of a a distributed database
design question.


 * Hans Jespersen, Principal Systems Engineer, Confluent Inc.
 * h...@confluent.io (650)924-2670

On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 7:08 PM, kant kodali <kanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Hans,
> The two storages we use are Cassandra and Elastic search and they are on
> the same datacenter for now.
> The Programming Language we use is Java and OS would be Ubuntu or CentOS.
> We get messages in JSON format so we insert into Elastic Search directly
> and for Cassandra we transform JSON message into appropriate model so we
> could insert into a Cassandra table.
> The rate we currently get is about 100K/sec which is awesome but I am
> pretty sure this will go down once when we implement 2PC or transactional
> writes.
> Thanks,
> kant

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