+1. Sounds like what you want is a compacted topic. Check out this section
of the docs: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation#compaction

Keep in mind that compaction isn't free. Like a garbage collector, it comes
with some overhead and some knobs for tuning.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Radoslaw Gruchalski <ra...@gruchalski.com>

> You can try cleanup.policy=compact.
> But be careful with a large number of keys.
> –
> Best regards,
> Radek Gruchalski
> ra...@gruchalski.com
> On October 19, 2016 at 11:44:39 PM, Jesus Cabrera Reveles (
> jesus.cabr...@encontrack.com) wrote:
> Hello,
> We are a company of IoT and we are trying to implement kafka but we have
> some questions.
> We need a topic with a certain number of partitions, each message has its
> own key, relative to id device. And we need the topic hold only the last
> message, we don't need historic of messages with the same key.
> It is possible configure the topic with this characteristic?
> Thanks
> --
> Jesús Cabrera Reveles
> Programador Web
> jesus.cabr...@encontrack.com
> www.encontrack.com
> Querétaro
> Aviso de Confidencialidad:
> El presente mensaje y material adjunto es confidencial, la información aquí
> contenida está legalmente protegida y su divulgación indebida será
> sancionada. Esta dirigido únicamente al destinatario. Si usted no es el
> destinatario, no deberá copiarlo, revelarlo o distribuirlo. Cualquier
> acción realizada en este sentido, será ilegal. Si por error recibe el
> presente mensaje, por favor notifique al remitente.

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