You can try cleanup.policy=compact. But be careful with a large number of keys.
– Best regards, Radek Gruchalski On October 19, 2016 at 11:44:39 PM, Jesus Cabrera Reveles ( wrote: Hello, We are a company of IoT and we are trying to implement kafka but we have some questions. We need a topic with a certain number of partitions, each message has its own key, relative to id device. And we need the topic hold only the last message, we don't need historic of messages with the same key. It is possible configure the topic with this characteristic? Thanks -- Jesús Cabrera Reveles Programador Web Querétaro Aviso de Confidencialidad: El presente mensaje y material adjunto es confidencial, la información aquí contenida está legalmente protegida y su divulgación indebida será sancionada. Esta dirigido únicamente al destinatario. Si usted no es el destinatario, no deberá copiarlo, revelarlo o distribuirlo. Cualquier acción realizada en este sentido, será ilegal. Si por error recibe el presente mensaje, por favor notifique al remitente.