Hi Tommy,

yes, you do understand Kafka Streams correctly. And yes, for shuffling,
na internal topic will be created under the hood. It should be named
"<application-id>-something-repartition". I am not sure, why it is not
listed via bin/kafka-topics.sh

The internal topic "<application-id>-counts-changelog" you see is
created to back the state of countByKey() operator.





On 08/30/2016 06:55 AM, Tommy Q wrote:
> Michael, Thanks for your help.
> Take the word count example, I am trying to walk through the code based on
> your explanation:
>     val textLines: KStream[String, String] = builder.stream("input-topic")
>     val wordCounts: KStream[String, JLong] = textLines
>       .flatMapValues(_.toLowerCase.split("\\W+").toIterable.asJava)
>       .map((key: String, word: String) => new KeyValue(word, word))
>       .countByKey("counts")
>       .toStream
>     wordCounts.to(stringSerde, longSerde, "wc-out")
> Suppose the input-topic has two partitions and each partition has a string
> record produced into:
> input-topic_0 : "a b"
>> input-topic_1 : "a b c"
> Suppose we started two instance of the stream topology ( task_0 and
> task_1). So after flatMapValues & map executed, they should have the
> following task state:
> task_0 :  [ (a, "a"), (b, "b") ]
>> task_1 :  [ (a, "a"), (b: "b"),  (c: "c") ]
> Before the execution of  countByKey, the kafka-stream framework should
> insert a invisible shuffle phase internally:
> shuffled across the network :
>> _internal_topic_shuffle_0 :  [ (a, "a"), (a, "a") ]
>> _internal_topic_shuffle_1 :  [ (b, "b"), (b: "b"),  (c: "c") ]
> countByKey (reduce) :
> task_0 (counts-changelog_0) :  [ (a, 2) ]
> task_1 (counts-changelog_1):   [ (b, 2), (c, 1) ]
> And after the execution of `wordCounts.to(stringSerde, longSerde,
> "wc-out")`, we get the word count output in wc-out topic:
> task_0 (wc-out_0) :  [ (a, 2) ]
> task_1 (wc-out_1):   [ (b, 2), (c, 1) ]
> According the steps list above, do I understand the internals of kstream
> word count correctly ?
> Another question is does the shuffle across the network work by creating
> intermediate topics ? If so, why can't I find the intermediate topics using
> `bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181` ?  I can only see
> the counts-changelog got created by the kstream framework.
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 2:25 AM, Michael Noll <mich...@confluent.io> wrote:
>> In Kafka Streams, data is partitioned according to the keys of the
>> key-value records, and operations such as countByKey operate on these
>> stream partitions.  When reading data from Kafka, these stream partitions
>> map to the partitions of the Kafka input topic(s), but these may change
>> once you add processing operations.
>> To your question:  The first step, if the data isn't already keyed as
>> needed, is to select the key you want to count by, which results in 1+
>> output stream partitions.  Here, data may get shuffled across the network
>> (but if won't if there's no need to, e.g. when the data is already keyed as
>> needed).  Then the count operation is performed for each stream partition,
>> which is similar to the sort-and-reduce phase in Hadoop.
>> On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 5:31 PM, Tommy <deeplam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> For "word count" example in Hadoop, there are shuffle-sort-and-reduce
>>> phases that handles outputs from different mappers, how does it work in
>>> KStream ?

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