Numan, you may also want to take a look at Kafka Streams, which is a new stream processing library that's included in Apache Kafka since version 0.10. Kafka Streams is definitely more convenient and quicker to implement than the "normal" Kafka producer/consumer clients. Also, Kafka Streams does not require a separate processing cluster like Spark or Storm -- you only need the Kafka cluster to read data from / to write data to.
> My question is:Is it possible to consume messages from a Kafka topic in real-time > and write directly into another topic without using any streaming technology such > as storm or spark? If yes, do you have any examples to do that in Java? There's one specific examples that does exactly this: Here are the key snippets that you would be using: Properties streamsConfiguration = new Properties(); streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "pass-through-integration-test"); //...more configs here... KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder(); // Write the input data as-is to the output topic."my-input-topic").to("my-output-topic"); KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, streamsConfiguration); streams.start(); Of course you can also transform the messages easily prior to writing them to the output topic. See the other examples/references down below. Hope this helps, Michael Kafka Streams docs: Some Kafka Streams examples: Some Kafka Streams articles: On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 4:29 PM, numangoceri <> wrote: > Hi, > > Thanks for your answer. I meant actually if we can verify the data > reliability without using Storm or Spark. Because i know that by using > Storm, you can guarantee the messages (depending on the type of the > Topology) such as exactly once, at least once. > If i simply use kafka consumer and another producer to forward the > messages, could the data tranfer completely be guaranteed as well? > > > Numan Göceri > > --- > > Rakesh Vidyadharan <> wrote: > > >Definitely. You can read off kafka using the samples shown in > KafkaConsumer javadoc, transform if necessary and publish to the > destination topic. > > > > > > > > > >On 01/07/2016 03:24, "numan goceri" <> > wrote: > > > >>Hello everyone, > >>I've a quick question:I'm using Apache Kafka producer to write the > messages into a topic. My source at the moment a csv file but in the future > i am supposed to read the messages from another kafka topic.My question > is:Is it possible to consume messages from a Kafka topic in real-time and > write directly into another topic without using any streaming technology > such as storm or spark? If yes, do you have any examples to do that in Java? > >>To sum up, it should be looking like this:Kafka reads from topic > "kafkaSource" and writes into the topic "kafkaResult". > >> > >>Thanks in advance and Best Regards, Numan > -- Best regards, Michael Noll *Michael G. Noll | Product Manager | Confluent | +1 650.453.5860Download Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform: <>*