Definitely. You can read off kafka using the samples shown in KafkaConsumer javadoc, transform if necessary and publish to the destination topic.
On 01/07/2016 03:24, "numan goceri" <> wrote: >Hello everyone, >I've a quick question:I'm using Apache Kafka producer to write the messages >into a topic. My source at the moment a csv file but in the future i am >supposed to read the messages from another kafka topic.My question is:Is it >possible to consume messages from a Kafka topic in real-time and write >directly into another topic without using any streaming technology such as >storm or spark? If yes, do you have any examples to do that in Java? >To sum up, it should be looking like this:Kafka reads from topic "kafkaSource" >and writes into the topic "kafkaResult". > >Thanks in advance and Best Regards, Numan