In our case this bug placed significant load on our brokers. We raised a
bug to get this resolved.

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 5:39 AM Phil Luckhurst <>

> With debug logging turned on we've sometimes seen our logs filling up with
> the kafka producer sending metadata requests every 100ms e.g.
> 2016-04-08 10:39:33,592 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1]
> org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient: Sending metadata request
> ClientRequest(expectResponse=true, callback=null,
> request=RequestSend(header={api_key=3,api_version=0,correlation_id=249,client_id=phil-pa-1},
> body={topics=[phil-pa-1-device-update]}), isInitiatedByNetworkClient,
> createdTimeMs=1460108373592, sendTimeMs=0) to node 0
> 2016-04-08 10:39:33,592 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1]
> org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata: Updated cluster metadata version 248 to
> Cluster(nodes = [Node(0, ta-eng-kafka2, 9092)], partitions =
> [Partition(topic = phil-pa-1-device-update, partition = 0, leader = 0,
> replicas = [0,], isr = [0,]])
> 2016-04-08 10:39:33,698 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1]
> org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient: Sending metadata request
> ClientRequest(expectResponse=true, callback=null,
> request=RequestSend(header={api_key=3,api_version=0,correlation_id=250,client_id=phil-pa-1},
> body={topics=[phil-pa-1-device-update]}), isInitiatedByNetworkClient,
> createdTimeMs=1460108373698, sendTimeMs=0) to node 0
> 2016-04-08 10:39:33,698 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1]
> org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata: Updated cluster metadata version 249 to
> Cluster(nodes = [Node(0, ta-eng-kafka2, 9092)], partitions =
> [Partition(topic = phil-pa-1-device-update, partition = 0, leader = 0,
> replicas = [0,], isr = [0,]])
> These metadata requests continue to be sent every 100ms (
> until we stop the process.
> This only seems to happen if the KafkaProducer instance is created but not
> used to publish a message for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes (
> the producer thread sends a metadata request to the
> server that has an empty topics list and the server responds with the
> partition information for *all* topics hosted on the server.
> 2016-04-11 14:16:39,320 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1]
> org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient: Sending metadata request
> ClientRequest(expectResponse=true, callback=null,
> request=RequestSend(header={api_key=3,api_version=0,correlation_id=0,client_id=phil-pa-1},
> body={topics=[]}), isInitiatedByNetworkClient, createdTimeMs=1460380599289,
> sendTimeMs=0) to node -1
> If we then use that KafkaProducer instance to send a message the next
> 'Sending meta request' will just be for the topic we have sent the message
> to and this then triggers the flood of retry requests as noted above.
> If we ensure we send the first message within the time set by
> (default 5 minutes) then everything works as expected
> and the metadata requests do not continually get retried.
> In many cases I can understand that creating a KafkaProducer and then not
> using it within 5 minutes is not usual but in our case we're creating it
> when our REST based application starts up and we can't guarantee that a
> message will be published within that time. To get around this we are
> currently posting a test message to the topic right after creating the
> KafkaProducer prevents it happening.
> I'm not sure if this is worthy of a fix but I thought I'd post it here in
> case someone else hits the same problem.
> Regards,
> Phil Luckhurst

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