With debug logging turned on we've sometimes seen our logs filling up with the 
kafka producer sending metadata requests every 100ms e.g.

2016-04-08 10:39:33,592 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1] 
org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient: Sending metadata request 
ClientRequest(expectResponse=true, callback=null, 
 body={topics=[phil-pa-1-device-update]}), isInitiatedByNetworkClient, 
createdTimeMs=1460108373592, sendTimeMs=0) to node 0
2016-04-08 10:39:33,592 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1] 
org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata: Updated cluster metadata version 248 to 
Cluster(nodes = [Node(0, ta-eng-kafka2, 9092)], partitions = [Partition(topic = 
phil-pa-1-device-update, partition = 0, leader = 0, replicas = [0,], isr = 
2016-04-08 10:39:33,698 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1] 
org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient: Sending metadata request 
ClientRequest(expectResponse=true, callback=null, 
 body={topics=[phil-pa-1-device-update]}), isInitiatedByNetworkClient, 
createdTimeMs=1460108373698, sendTimeMs=0) to node 0
2016-04-08 10:39:33,698 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1] 
org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata: Updated cluster metadata version 249 to 
Cluster(nodes = [Node(0, ta-eng-kafka2, 9092)], partitions = [Partition(topic = 
phil-pa-1-device-update, partition = 0, leader = 0, replicas = [0,], isr = 

These metadata requests continue to be sent every 100ms (retry.backoff.ms) 
until we stop the process.

This only seems to happen if the KafkaProducer instance is created but not used 
to publish a message for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes (metadata.max.age.ms) the 
producer thread sends a metadata request to the server that has an empty topics 
list and the server responds with the partition information for *all* topics 
hosted on the server.

2016-04-11 14:16:39,320 DEBUG [kafka-producer-network-thread | phil-pa-1] 
org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient: Sending metadata request 
ClientRequest(expectResponse=true, callback=null, 
 body={topics=[]}), isInitiatedByNetworkClient, createdTimeMs=1460380599289, 
sendTimeMs=0) to node -1

If we then use that KafkaProducer instance to send a message the next 'Sending 
meta request' will just be for the topic we have sent the message to and this 
then triggers the flood of retry requests as noted above.

If we ensure we send the first message within the time set by 
metadata.max.age.ms (default 5 minutes) then everything works as expected and 
the metadata requests do not continually get retried.

In many cases I can understand that creating a KafkaProducer and then not using 
it within 5 minutes is not usual but in our case we're creating it when our 
REST based application starts up and we can't guarantee that a message will be 
published within that time. To get around this we are currently posting a test 
message to the topic right after creating the KafkaProducer prevents it 

I'm not sure if this is worthy of a fix but I thought I'd post it here in case 
someone else hits the same problem.

Phil Luckhurst

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