The MemberAssignment bytes returned in SyncResponse should be the bytes
that your leader sent in its SyncRequest. <<0, 0, 0, 0>> is simply an empty
Bytes array (32 bit length of 0). The broker does not alter those bytes as
far as I know, so despite the protocol doc describing what a
MemberAssignment struct *should* look like, it really is up to your client
to encode and decode that struct. Can you check what bytes your leader code
is sending?

I assume you have this covered, but for completeness: each consumer should
check its JoinResponse to determine whether it has been selected as the
group leader. If the consumer is the leader, it needs to do the assignments
and send those back in its SyncRequest. All other consumers just send an
empty SyncRequest. SyncResponse for all consumers then includes the
assignments sent by the leader.


On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 2:39 PM, Cees de Groot <> wrote:

> I'm helping out on adding 0.9 stuff to the Elixir Kafka driver (
>, and I'm getting an unexpected
> response on an integration test that makes a simple SyncGroup call.
> In Elixir terms, I'm getting <<0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>> back. My
> interpretation:
> 32 bits correlation id = 0,0,0,3
> 16 bits error code = 0,0
> There's now 32 bits left. However, I'm expecting (following
> )
> a MemberAssignment structure here, which is
> 16 bits of version (0)
> 32 bits of length (it's a simple integration test, so for now i'm happy to
> accept the answer "0 assignments for you, dude!" ;-)).
> Which clearly is more data than left in the response.
> Am I misinterpreting the documentation here?

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