Thanks.  Presumably, if transactions are added to kafka then you get 
exactly-once semantics anyway.  Any word on transactions and release date for 

> On 14 Jan 2016, at 16:58, Guozhang Wang <> wrote:
> Hello Tom,
> There is no specific release date planned yet, but we are shooting for
> adding kafka-streams in the next major release of Kafka.
> Regarding exactly-once semantics, the first version of kafka-streams may
> not yet have this feature implemented but we do have designs and target to
> add it in a later release this year.
> Guozhang
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:17 AM, Tom Dearman <> wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me whether the kaka-streams project will resolve the issue
>> noted in the KIP-28:
>> “After processor writes to a store instance, it first sends the change
>> message to its corresponding changelog topic partition. When user calls
>> commit() in his processor, KStream needs to flush both the store instance
>> as well as the producer sending to the changelog, as well as committing the
>> offset in the upstream Kafka. If these three operations cannot be done
>> atomically, then if there is a crash in between this operations duplicates
>> could be generated since the upstream Kafka committing offset is executed
>> in the last step; if there three operations can be done atomically, then we
>> can guarantee "exactly-once" semantics.”
>> Does this requirement essentially mean that kafka-streams will not work
>> until transactional support is implemented in kafka. Is kafka-streams going
>> to be in the 0.10 release. Is transactional support still going into
>> release 0.10 and does this look likely to be for Q2 2016 which is the
>> present schedule.
>> Thanks.
> -- 
> -- Guozhang

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