Can anyone tell me whether the kaka-streams project will resolve the issue 
noted in the KIP-28:

“After processor writes to a store instance, it first sends the change message 
to its corresponding changelog topic partition. When user calls commit() in his 
processor, KStream needs to flush both the store instance as well as the 
producer sending to the changelog, as well as committing the offset in the 
upstream Kafka. If these three operations cannot be done atomically, then if 
there is a crash in between this operations duplicates could be generated since 
the upstream Kafka committing offset is executed in the last step; if there 
three operations can be done atomically, then we can guarantee "exactly-once" 

Does this requirement essentially mean that kafka-streams will not work until 
transactional support is implemented in kafka. Is kafka-streams going to be in 
the 0.10 release. Is transactional support still going into release 0.10 and 
does this look likely to be for Q2 2016 which is the present schedule.


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