controlled.shutdown built into broker when this config set to true it makes 
request to controller to initiate the controlled shutdown, waits till the 
request is succeeded and incase of failure retries the shutdown  
controlled.shutdown.max.retries times.


On July 27, 2015 at 11:50:27 AM, Andrew Otto ( wrote:


But how do I initiate a controlled shutdown on a running broker?  Editing is not going to cause this to happen.  Don’t I have to tell 
the broker to shutdown nicely?  All I really want to do is tell the controller 
to move leadership to other replicas, so I can shutdown the broker without 
clients getting all confused.

On Jul 27, 2015, at 14:48, Sriharsha Chintalapani <> wrote:

You can set controlled.shutdown.enable to true in kafka’s  , 
this is enabled by default in 0.8.2 on wards
and also you can set max retries using controlled.shutdown.max.retries defaults 
to 3 .


On July 27, 2015 at 11:42:32 AM, Andrew Otto ( wrote:

I’m working on packaging for Wikimedia, and in doing so I’ve noticed 
that kafka.admin.ShutdownBroker doesn’t exist anymore. From what I can tell, 
this has been intentionally removed in favor of a JMX(?) config 
“controlled.shutdown.enable”. It is unclear from the documentation how one is 
supposed to set this for a running broker. Do I need a special JMX tool in 
order to flick this switch? I’d like to add a command to my kafka bin wrapper 
script so that I can easily use this when restarting brokers.

What is the proper way to set controlled.shutdown.enable?

-Andrew Otto

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