It seems there are many different symptoms you see...
Maybe we can start from leader flapping issue. Any findings in controller

Jiangjie (Becket) Qin

On 4/16/15, 12:09 PM, "Kyle Banker" <> wrote:

>I've run into a pretty serious production issue with Kafka 0.8.2, and I'm
>wondering what my options are.
>ReplicaFetcherThread Error
>I have a broker on a 9-node cluster that went down for a couple of hours.
>When it came back up, it started spewing constant errors of the following
>INFO Reconnect due to socket error:
>java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException (kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer)
>[2015-04-09 22:38:54,580] WARN [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-7], Error in fetch
>Name: FetchRequest; Version: 0; CorrelationId: 767; ClientId:
>ReplicaFetcherThread-0-7; ReplicaId: 1; MaxWait: 500 ms; MinBytes: 1
>RequestInfo: [REDACTED] Possible cause: Received -1
>when reading from channel, socket has likely been closed.
>Massive Logging
>This produced around 300GB of new logs in a 24-hour period and rendered
>broker completely unresponsive.
>This broker hosts about 500 partitions spanning 40 or so topics (all
>have a replication factor of 3). One topic contains messages up to 100MB
>size. The remaining topics have messages no larger than 10MB.
>It appears that I've hit this bug:
>"Leader Flapping"
>I can get the broker to come online without logging massively by reducing
>both max.message.bytes and replica.fetch.max.bytes to ~10MB. It then
>resyncing all but the largest topic.
>Unfortunately, it also starts "leader flapping." That is, it continuously
>acquires and relinquishes partition leadership. There is nothing of note
>the logs while this is happening, but the consumer offset checker clearly
>shows this. The behavior significantly reduces cluster write throughput
>(since producers are constantly failing).
>The only solution I have is to leave the broker off. Is this a known
>"catch-22" situation? Is there anything that can be done to fix it?
>Many thanks in advance.

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