Hi Victor, two points:

- Based on the backtrace, you are using a very old version of Sarama. You
might have better luck using a more recent stable version.
- Are you setting `MaxBufferTime` in the configuration to 0 or a very small
value? If so the loop will spin on that timer. Try making this value larger.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 12:35 PM, Victor L <vlyamt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using sarama "golang" kafka 1.8.1 client (
> https://github.com/Shopify/sarama)  to send messages to message queue once
> in 3secs and this task drives cpu consumption to 130% on the quad-cpu
> blade; The number stays this high regardless of number of
> partitions/consumers.... According to results of profiling with 'pprof',
> most of the cycles are spent in producer.go/NewBrokerProducer;
> Total: 47297 samples
>     5947  12.6%  12.6%    15013  31.7% selectgo
>     3617   7.6%  20.2%     3617   7.6% runtime.xchg
>     2819   6.0%  26.2%    28506  60.3% github.com/Shopify/sarama.funcĀ·008
> <http://github.com/Shopify/sarama.func%C2%B7008>
> <http://github.com/Shopify/sarama.func%C2%B7008>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> NewBrokerProducer
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> 229:     go func() {
>      .      .  230:         timer := time.NewTimer(p.config.MaxBufferTime)
>      .      .  231:         var shutdownRequired bool
>      .      .  232:         wg.Done()
>      .      .  233:         for {
>    208  17598  234:             select {
>    153    749  235:             case <-bp.flushNow:
>      .      .  236:                 if shutdownRequired = bp.flush(p);
> shutdownRequired {
>      .      .  237:                     goto shutdown
>      .      .  238:                 }
>   2230   3144  239:             case <-timer.C:
>    144   3606  240:                 if shutdownRequired =
> bp.flushIfAnyMessages(p); shutdownRequired {
>      .      .  241:                     goto shutdown
> wonder if there's some known issue with this method or if anyone already
> seen it before...
> Thank you,

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