Hi Becket,

Can you list down an example for this. It would be easier to understand :)



On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Jiangjie Qin <j...@linkedin.com.invalid>

> Hi Jason,
> The round-robin strategy first takes the partitions of all the topics a
> consumer is consuming from, then distributed them across all the consumers.
> If different consumers are consuming from different topics, the assigning
> algorithm will generate different answers on different consumers.
> It is OK for consumers to have different thread count, but the consumers
> have to consume from the same set of topics.
> For range strategy, the balance is for each individual topic instead of
> cross topics. So the balance is only done for the consumers consuming from
> the same topic.
> Thanks.
> Jiangjie (Becket) Qin
> On 3/19/15, 4:14 PM, "Jason Rosenberg" <j...@squareup.com> wrote:
> >So,
> >
> >I've run into an issue migrating a consumer to use the new 'roundrobin'
> >partition.assignment.strategy.  It turns out that several of our consumers
> >use the same group id, but instantiate several different consumer
> >instances
> >(with different topic selectors and thread counts).  Often, this is done
> >in
> >a single shared process.  It turns out this arrangement is not allowed
> >when
> >using the 'roundrobin' assignment strategy.
> >
> >I'm curious as to the reason for this restriction?  Why is it not also a
> >restriction for the 'range' strategy (which we've been happily using for
> >some time now)?
> >
> >It would seem that as long as you always assign a partition to a consumer
> >instance that is actually selecting it, you should still be able to
> >proceed
> >with the round-robin algorithm (potentially skipping consumers if they
> >can't select the next partition in the list, etc.).
> >
> >Jason

Mayuresh R. Gharat
(862) 250-7125

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