I have a hard time figuring out how to do a commit using API 0.8.2 on JDK 8.

I tried using the examples from

First of all: I can't use OffsetMetadataAndError inside the
offsets-map as it was possible in 0.8.1. I can't really find a
difference, but builds break.

I'm also unable to figure out all of the required parameters.

<topic> and <partition> are obviuous.

I suppose the <groupId> is the client-name I picked for my consumer.

But what is the value expected for the <correlationId>?

Here is my code that won't build with 0.8.2 on JDK 8:

Map<TopicAndPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> offsets = new HashMap<>();

offsets.put(new TopicAndPartition(*<topic>*, *<partition>*), new
OffsetMetadataAndError(messageAndOffset.offset(), "",

OffsetCommitRequest ocRequest = new OffsetCommitRequest(*<groupId>*,
offsets, *<correlationId>*, consumer.clientId(),
OffsetCommitResponse offsetCommitResponse = consumer.commitOffsets(ocRequest);

Jochen Mader | Lead IT Consultant

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