I have My Kafka setup with 0.8.1 kafka with 3 producers and 3 consumers.
I use the high level consumer. My doubt is , i read the messages from
the consumer iterator, and after reading the message i process those
messages, if the processing throws any exception i am not commiting any
offset.If not then i am commiting the offset.
Example : lets say i have 100 messages in the queue.
after 90 messages, the 91st message is read, but while processing(my
code), there is some exception and i havent commited the offset.
Then in this case, if i say consumer iterator.next, will it give me
the next message i.e 92nd message or will not.
And if the 92nd message is serverd, and its processing is done
smoothly, and if i commit the offset, can i get the 91st message again?
Arjun Narasimha Kota