Hello All, When i start the mirroring process, events are written only to partition "1" on the target cluster and no data is written to partition 0.
I am stuck on this and wondering what am i doing wrong . My production setup looks something like this 1. Datacenter1 : 3 kafka nodes/3 zookeeper nodes 2. Datacenter 2 : 3 kafka nodes/3 zookeeper nodes All the kafka nodes are configured with auto.create.topics.enable=true and the default partition is 2 . I start the kafka mirroring tool with the following command bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.MirrorMaker --consumer.config mirror-maker/consumer.properties --producer.config mirror-maker/producer.properties --whitelist=".*" *--num.streams 2 --num.producers 2* the consumer.properties for mirror-config looks like this group.id=test-group zookeeper.connect=<ZK_IP_LIST> and producer.properties for mirror-config looks like this metadata.broker.list=<KAFKA_IP_LIST> producer.type=async topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms=-1 Regards -- Ashutosh