You cannot use the kafka-topics tool to move replicas to other brokers. To
learn how to move replicas, please see the "Custom partition assignment and
migration" section

Hope that helps! If not, please let us know, we are interested in improving
the quality of our documentation.


On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Lung, Paul <> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I’m using Kafka 0.8.1, and I’m having difficulty trying to move a replica
> from one broker to another.
> Doing a " —describe | grep
> mini__078____active_80__32__mini" shows:
> Topic:mini__078____active_80__32__mini PartitionCount:1
> ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:retention.bytes=104857600
> Topic: mini__078____active_80__32__mini Partition: 0 Leader: 73979
> Replicas: 73979,0,44416 Isr: 73979,44416,0
> I’m trying to move one replica off the “0” broker, and on to another
> broker like so:
> "./ --alter --topic mini__078____active_80__32__mini
> --replica-assignment 73979:73066:44416”
> However, after an hour, I still see one of the replicas on the “0” broker.
> The replica doesn’t seem to move at all. I’ve tried this command with:
> "./ --alter --topic mini__078____active_80__32__mini
> --replica-assignment 73979,73066,44416”
> But the result is the same. Please help.
> Paul Lung

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